Saturday, April 7, 2007

more news from rooming knee

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thought it might be nice to also post some music that we didn't release:
label: Candide. compiled by Ilhan Mimaroglu.
side A:
Pierre Schaeffer: Objets Liés (New Version) (2:50)
François-Bernard Mâche: Terre De Feu (Second Version) (6:55)
Michel Philippot: Etude III (10:04)
side B:
François Bayle: L'Oiseau-Chanteur (Second Version) (4:04)
Luc Ferrari: Tête Et Queue Du Dragon (Second Version) (9:12)
Ivo Malec: Dahovi (Second Version) (7:15)
Bernard Parmegiani: Danse (4:12)

get HEREs:
side A
side B


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