Friday, April 20, 2007

reunion ex-marble holographic butt stench

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sometimes i wonder if anyone is reading this. please leave a comment if you are. i would appreciate that. in other news there is a book that i am now selling. it consists of my writing and drawings by jeff garcia and myself. it was written in a vacuum that i was using to masturbate myself and it went too far. with nothing better to do i wrote love letters to my dwindling manhood. it is bound in a handmade hard covered book. i'm letting these go for $5 or interesting trades. look at it here


Marissa Neave said...

what constitutes an "interesting trade"?

shagra said...

i'm reaaaaaading.11!

hazycomet said...

what constitutes "reading"?

bian ruurryk said...

trombone dixie

Cl0aca said...

plonk, blorgle.

Shub said...

hey totally reading! (shub from ottawa)

Anonymous said...

is that the same vacuum i use to clean around my bed?

i'm reading.

jesjit said...

I just started reading, and I'm disgusted.

DD/MM/YYYY said...

matt king rules